
: - )

Welcome! : - )

Welcome to this space for art and creativity. Here you will find various art, projects, and other ephemera created, curated, or collected by Sam and Manette.

The Letters and Things


The Letters and Things *

Sam and Manette have a podcast!

The old letters of Manette’s grandparents from their lives cover 20th century history, family gossip, and look into the lives of two ordinary, loveable, but certainly not normal, Americans.

Listen to find out about everyone’s favorite heavy cruiser, the USS Chester, the beloved freezer cat Sam, and mysterious Great Aunt Sex Cult.

RIP Freezer Cat Sam

Miss Goldblum’s Gowns//Ms. Goldblum’s Gowns

In 1985 artist Pam Goldblum made Miss Goldblum’s Gowns - a delightful art film made in the city of lights, Paris. Having long admired this video, Manette enlisted Sam to help recreate an homage to the film and to the artist in their own Ms. Goldblum’s Gowns. This one made in 2023 in another iconic city, Philadelphia.



Thank you for visiting!

For all queries please get in touch via email.